Site Development and Landscaping

This material is presented for informational purposes only. Herron-Morton Place holds no liability for inaccuracies that may be contained herein. Individuals are urged to contact the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission for complete guidelines as may apply to your project.

In Herron-Morton Place

  • Approval is not required for the design and location of fence for existing structures provided they conform with recommended guidelines below.
  • Staff approval is required for fencing around all new construction.
  • Parking lots developed on the west side of Pennsylvania Street, from 18th Street to 21st Street Annex, should be compatible with other new parking lots in the area and should include the following design considerations:
    • A 20 foot wide strip along Pennsylvania Street paralleling and measured from the front lot line, and extending the full length thereof (except walks, access cuts and driveways) landscaped and planted with grass or other plant material as a ground cover.
    • A four (4) foot high element along the Pennsylvania Street edge of the parking lot which screens the view of the parking lot from Pennsylvania Street. This may be a brick wall, fencing, solid landscaping, a combination of these, or some other screening comatible with the area.
    • No curb cuts or access points off of Pennsylvania Street.
    • No signage visible from or oriented toward Pennsylvania Street.
    • Lighting of the lowest intensity possible to still insure security and which does not cause glare on the east side of Pennsylvania Street.
    • Attractive light fixtures (avoid the brushed aluminum type commonly used by IPL and DOT).


  • Maintain the original topographic character of a site as perceived from the street.
  • Off-street parking should be at the rear of the properties, oriented toward alleys, and screened if appropriate.
  • Surface parking for multi-family development should be hard surfaced and appropriately screened from the view of any street or adjoining property. The use of appropriate marking should be considered where parking space location is ambiguous.
  • Parking lot dimensions including the size of spaces, traffic pattern, and turning radius are to be such that all spaces are usable and accessible. Refer to Architectural Graphic Standards as a standard.
  • Privacy fences, if desired, should enclose only the rear yard.
  • Appropriate rear yard fences include lattice, vertical boards (abutted), vertical boards (spaced), wrought-iron, welded or woven wire if hidden by a hedge.
  • Due to security requirements, chain-link fences are authorized for rear yards in Herron-Morton Place provided:
    • They are not erected any closer to the street than the point midway between the front and rear facades of the principle structure
    • They do not exceed four feet in height
  • Chain-link clad in black, green or brown vinyl coating are preferred and encouraged.
  • Front yard fences, if desired, should be open in style and relatively low (usually not in excess of 42"). Picket, wrought-iron, or other ornamental fence may be appropriate.
  • Trees should frame and accent building
  • Department of Parks and Recreation approval of the variety and location of all street trees is needed. Trees suggested as appropriate include: Acer Platanoids (Norway Maple), Acer Rubrum (Red Maple), Celtis Occidentalis (Hackberry), Carpinus Betulus (European Hornbean), Liriodendron Tulipifera (Tuliptree), Quercus Rubra (Red Oak), Koelreuteria Paniculata (Goldenrod Rain Tree), Liquidambar Styraciflua (Sweet Gum), Fraxinus Spp (Green or Blue Ash), Phellodendron Amurense (Amur Cork-Tree), Sophora Japonica (Japanese Pagoda Tree), and Tillis Cordata (Little-leaf Linden).
  • Refer to the IHPC for specific policies.


  • Avoid significant changes in site topography by excessive grading or addition of slopes and berms.
  • Avoid rear privacy fences which begin any closer to the street than a point midway between the front and rear facades of the principle structure.
  • Avoid privacy fences which are over six (6) feet high and chain-link fences over four (4) feet high.
  • Avoid inappropriate fence types such as basket weave, shadow box, split rail, stockade, louvered and chain-link (except as noted above).
  • Avoid trees which hide buildings or are too close to buildings.
  • Inappropriate trees for planting along any public street or alley include: Acer Negundo (Box Elder), Acer Saccarinum (Silver Maple), Catalpa Bignoniodes (Southern Catalpa), Populus Nigra "Italica" (Lombardy Poplar), Populus Deltoides (Cottonwood), Populus Eugenei (Carolina Poplar), Salis species (all Willows), and Ulmus Pumila (Siberian Elm). These can be planted on private property.
  • Avoid suburban massing of landscape materials and excessive foundation planting.
  • Avoid decorative yard embellishments which are characteristic of an earlier era or a different place.