
Herron-Morton Place Foundation

The Herron-Morton Place Foundation was founded as a 501C-3 tax-deductible organization and works in concert with the Association to assist and implement activities that protect, revitalize and strengthen the economy of the district as a well-balanced residential and commercial community.

The Foundation consists of a Board of Directors with no less than seven and no more than 15 volunteers.


What We Support

Our Vision

The Herron-Morton Place Foundation, Inc. was founded as a 501C-3 tax deductible organization to assist and implement activities which protect, revitalize, promote and strengthen the economy of the HMP area as a well-balanced residential and commercial community while maintaining a healthy link to downtown Indianapolis, working in concert with the Herron-Morton Place Association, Inc.

To combat decay and deterioration of the neighborhood; to initiate, operate, encourage and otherwise assist acts that protect and revitalize the residential character of the neighborhood and provide residents with the structures, environment, amenities and services that create and support a stable and healthy community.

Herron-Morton Hero Image

Current Projects

  • Herron-Morton Place Historic Park Landscaping & Equipment Maintenance / Improvements
  • Herron-Morton Place Historic Park Rentals - Fundraiser
  • Herron-Morton Place Tricycle Race (HMP500) in the spring - Fundraiser
  • Herron-Morton Place Oktoberfest in the fall - Fundraiser
  • Custodian of the HMP endowments

The Why, How and Benefits of Getting Involved

Become a part of an effort to improve Herron-Morton Place for all of its residents. Help to maintain and improve our beautiful historic park, show off your home to many curious outsiders at our biennial home tour, and use your knowledge and experience to help guide HMPF investment in improving neighborhood infrastructure. Your membership, contributions and volunteerism will help to preserve the history of this uniquely Indiana neighborhood.

HMPF Benefits are numerous but include membership and related benefits in Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana as an affiliate member, attendance at the annual meeting and of course your contributions are tax-deductible within the guidelines of the federal tax code as applicable to your individual circumstances.


If you are interested in volunteering at the Foundation or have other questions for the foundation, please use the form to let us know.  Of course, you are always welcome to email us at with any questions you have.

Foundation Leadership

Board Members

Michael Krautkramer – President
Amanda Spicer 
Bret Wolf 
Brooke Lewis
Erin McCallister
Brian Cusimano
Billy Ponko
Dan Wheeler – Association Liaison