
Herron-Morton Place Association

The Herron-Morton Place Association was formed in 1976 as a 501(c)(4) corporation to spearhead the renovation of homes, encourage new residential development and promote the common good and general welfare of the neighborhood.

The Association coordinates beautification efforts, monitors crime, promotes safety, stimulates arts and culture, contributes to historic preservation, supports diversity and provides educational, charitable, and social programs for the neighborhood.

The Association consists of a nine-member Board of Directors, several committees and members. Meetings are held 8 times a year and are open to all residents. We encourage all interested parties to attend the meetings because they are a great way to keep up to date on the neighborhood. Please check out the Herron-Morton Place Calendar for the meeting schedule and details.



Our Purpose

- to promote the common good and general welfare.

- to bring about civic betterments and social improvements

- to provide educational, charitable and - recreational programs and other needed community services for the benefit of the residents of the Neighborhood. 

- to preserve the Neighborhood taking steps necessary to retain the area as residential.

- strive to restore the Neighborhood as a historic area. Encourage property owners to restore their property to its original state.

The Association and Foundation are complimentary groups working for the benefit of residents of Herron-Morton Place.

Association Meeting Minutes

Herron-Morton Hero Image

Association Leadership


President - Larry Waskom

Vice President - Tony Shuler

Treasurer - Tammy Shuler

Vice Treasurer - Jim Warner

Secretary - Jodie Floyd

At Large - Alex Liby

At Large - Dan Wheeler

At Large - Chris Harrell


Membership - Tony Shuler, Anne Waskom

Talbot Street Art Fair - Tammy Shuler, Anne Waskom

Land Use - Brandon Burke, Chris Harrell

Diversity - Open

Beautification - Mike Achacoso

Urban Times - Jodie Floyd

Social - Leah Luke, Amy VonDielingen, Todd Foushee

Finance - Tammy Shuler

Grievance Chris Harrell

Foundation Liaison - Dan Wheeler