Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission

This material is presented for informational purposes only. Herron-Morton Place holds no liability for inaccuracies that may be contained herein. Individuals are urged to contact the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission for complete guidelines as may apply to your project.

The Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission ("IHPC") is responsible for developing plans for local historic areas. Once adopted, the plans become the guide for decisions to preserve the unique historic character of each area and to provide the framework for neighborhood revitalization. This is accomplished through a review process for all exterior modifications, new construction, site improvements, demolition and land use changes within the designated areas.

The Commission views each building and site within a historic area as unique. It also recognizes that the value of each district equals the sum of its individual parts, both new and old. For this reason, all existing buildings and all new development are deemed to contribute to the architectural character of the area and all are subject to the review process.

IHPC Services

  • Early consultation with professional staff
  • Design Assistance
  • Assistance selecting paint or roof colors
  • Assistance selecting building and landscape materials
  • Research assistance including:
    • Sanborn and Baist Atlas Maps
    • Extensive building information files
    • Historic photos of Indianapolis
    • National Register nominations
    • Newspaper clippings
    • General product information
    • Paint and roofing samples
    • On-site technical support
    • Library with information on:
    • Paint colors
    • Architectural history and styles
    • Interior design
    • Landscape architecture
    • Renovation and rehabilitation
    • Building materials and construction
    • Indiana and Indianapolis history

Contact IHPC

For more information about the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission, call 317-327-4406 or email

IHPC's mailing address (City-County Building):

Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission
200 E. Washington Street
Suite 1842
Indianapolis, IN 46204