in Downtown Indy

HerronMortonPlace-Logo-Main-Vertical-White-2018Welcome to the Neighborhood 

in Historic Downtown Indianapolis

If you recently moved here, we hope you will come to love this place as much as we do. If you are visiting or thinking about living here, we welcome you to explore and enjoy our special place.

Herron-Morton Place has two great organizations that play important roles in the neighborhood's quality of life: The Herron-Morton Place Association and The Herron-Morton Place Foundation.

If you would like to be involved, we invite you to consider a membership, a donation and your time to help make a wonderful place to live and play.



Ahoy, Sailors and Suds Lovers!

Set sail for the smoothest Oktoberfest in town! On **Saturday, September 28**, don your finest captain’s hat and lederhosen as we blend the breezy vibes of Yacht Rock with the spirited cheer of Oktoberfest. 
Picture yourself cruising through soft rock tunes, clinking steins of frothy brew, and swaying to the rhythm of the tides. It’s going to be a *seasational* time you won’t want to miss! 🛥️🎶

Anchors aweigh and prost to a night of smooth sailing! 🌟🍺

CLICK HERE for tickets!

Yachtoberfest Yard Sign (2400x1800)